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Located in Cape Coral, FL
Family & Cosmetic Dentistry-Logo


Handling Extractions With Sensitivity and Care

If you need to make an appointment to take care of an extraction, don't let yourself be stressed out and filled with anxiety. You can trust our team to give you the gentle care that you deserve, in a soothing and comfortable environment.
Dental Check Up

Our Sedation Dentistry Will Make a Difference

Sedation dentistry is always available to help you get through your appointments. When you come in for your extraction nitrous oxide will be provided promptly for your comfort.
Dental Clinic

Count on Mercury-Free Dentistry

You don't have to worry about mercury fillings when you choose Family & Cosmetic Dentistry. Our team uses only the safest fillings and materials for all of our procedures.

If you already have mercury fillings from years past, talk to the professionals about replacing them with fillings that are non-toxic to your health.
Dentist, extraction

Don't Wait on Your Extractions

When you have a tooth that needs to be extracted, don't sit on it. Get it extracted as soon as possible so that the damage doesn't spread. If you wait, you may encounter pain that can be quite severe. Let us take care of your extractions so that you don't have to worry.

Take care of your dental needs so that your teeth can be as healthy and strong as possible.
Call us at 
239-540-2020 to schedule an appointment.
Get the professional quality dental care you deserve when it comes to all of your dental needs.
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